torstai 6. helmikuuta 2025

USAID:n korruptio paljastumassa

Elon Musk ja DOGE ovat laittaneet ison pyörän pyörimään. Ensimmäinen iso paljastus liittyy USAID:n uskomattoman häikäilemättömään korruptioon, jossa veronmaksajien rahoilla on kustannettu kaikenlaista pahuutta. Alla oleva video USAID EXPOSED: Your Taxes Fund Child Trafficking, Terrorism, Propaganda, Regime Changes & More antaa melko hyvän yleiskuvan siitä, mistä tässä USAID:n "kehitysyhteistyössä" on oikeasti kyse. Yksityiskohtia USAID:n röyhkeästä korruptiosta löytyy lisää tästä ketjusta.

Alla esimerkkejä siitä, miten holtittomalla tavalla USAID:n varoja on käytetty (lähde). Jokainen varmasti ymmärtää, että kun veronmaksajien rahaa käytetään tällaisiin asioihin, joku vetää välistä ja aika reippaasti. 

  • $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”
  • $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland
  • $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam
  • $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia
  • $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru
  • $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
  • $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations (even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation)
  • Millions to EcoHealth Alliance, which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab
  • Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to Al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
  • Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries
  • Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban
  • $20 million on a Sesame Street show in Iraq
  • $56 million to boost tourism in Tunisia and Egypt
  • $40 million to build schools in Jordan
  • $11 million to tell Vietnam to stop burning trash
  • $2 million to strengthen trans-led organizations to deliver “gender-affirming” healthcare
  • $45 million for DEI scholarships in Burma
  • $520 million for consultant-driven ESG investments in Africa
  • $6.7 million to protect biodiversity from wildlife crimes in Southern Africa
  • $44.8 million for food/economic assistance for Venezuela migrants in Colombia
  • $6 million to the WHO for health coordination and health surveillance activities in Gaza
  • $30 million for multisectoral response in Gaza
  • $439,000 for local works consultant in Syria
  • $7.4 million to enhance efficient, inclusive, and accountable governance in Northeast Syria
  • $24 million for green transportation and logistics program in Georgia
  • $29 million for an agricultural trade diversification program in Georgia
  • $3.5 million to help the next generations of Georgia to be civically engaged
  • $4.5 million to build societal resilience in the face of disinformation in Kazakhstan
  • $1.3 million for a supportive environment for LGBTQ people in North Macedonia
  • $1.9 million to strengthen human rights for LGBTQ people in the Western Balkans
  • $2 million to strengthen trans-led groups delivering gender-affirming care in Guatemala
  • $59 million to enable grain and oilseed farmers with a special focus on female farmers in Ukraine
  • $420,000 to pilot solar activity in Djibouti [Africa]
  • $3.3 million for a program called “Being LGBTI in the Caribbean”
  • $18,793 for technical assistance for the LGBTQI+ community in the 2021 Honduras election
  • $5 million for a low emissions cities alliance to be carried out in China
  • $11 million for a cooperative agreement for US-China clean energy and climate partnership
  • $750,000 for Princeton to collect information on racial diversity and equity in the Middle East and North Africa through surveying
  • $9.9 million to create jobs within the carpet and jewelry sector for women in Afghanistan
  • $29.5 million to implement sustainable economic growth, biodiversity and global climate change mitigation in Honduras
  • $109.3 million to Deloitte Consulting to support the Power Africa Program in Nigeria
  • $100.5 million to improve the conditions of conflict affected rural households in sustainable manner in Colombia
  • $66.1 million for Iraq access to justice program
  • $2 million for Moroccan pottery classes
  • Millions of dollars to help Afghans grow crops which resulted in opium poppy cultivation doubling
  • $300 million to build diesel-fuel power plants, but they could not use them because diesel was too expensive in Afghanistan
  • $200 million on a dam that was too unsafe to be used
  • $250 million on a road that was never used
  • $9 million for “humanitarian” aid to Syria but it went to Al Qaeda
  • $1 million into bat research on coronaviruses at China’s infamous Wuhan lab, which the CIA admits was the likely source of COVID-19
  • Trade assistance to Ukraine paid for models and designers to take trips to New York City, London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, and South by Southwest in Austin
  • $2 million promoting tourism to Lebanon
  • $27 million for reintegration gift bags for deported Central Americans
  • $150,000 free trips for Korean kids to visit D.C.
  • $3.23 million to BBC Media, making it the second largest donor to the British-based charity

19 kommenttia:

  1. "The secrecy of the USAID grant database is by design.

    Look up the addresses of entities receiving millions of dollars on Google maps and you’ll find shacks or empty land.

    It’s pure money laundering."


  2. "Why did USAID give $68+ million to the World Economic Forum? I will tell you why. USAID is a CIA front group funding the manipulation of governments and populations around the world, including regime change. The WEF specializes in recruiting and grooming promising young leaders, who they then install inside government systems across the planet."


  3. Sosialisteilla on peppu kipeänä. Bernie Sanders:

    "Elon Musk, the richest man on earth, is dismantling USAID, which feeds the poorest children on earth.

    This is oligarchy at its worst.

    Musk’s actions are not only immoral and unconstitutional, they are counterproductive to our standing in the world."

    Kommentit aika brutaaleja. Tämä on aika hyvä:

    "You seem obsessed with his wallet.

    Would you feel better if Trump hired somebody that was broke to find out where all the money has gone?"

    1. "USAID's defenders say it's about charity and development in poor nations. It's not. It's a $40 billion driver of regime change abroad. And now the evidence suggests that it, along with the CIA, were behind the 2019 impeachment of Trump — an illegal regime change effort at home."

  4. "USAID’s Samantha Power has been FIRED.

    She claims, “People that work for USAID wanted to make the World a better place…”

    President Trump calls USAID a Criminal Enterprise."


    Narsisti vähän uhriutuu.

  5. Tim Pool: Democratic Party IS OVER, Voters QUIT PARTY As Dems DEFEND USAID From Elon's Audit Of WOKE Spending

  6. "Seuraan huonosti Suomen Vastuullista Valtamediaa mutta sen uutisointi Trumpin puhdistuksista alkoi kiinnostaa. Pistin Amppari-haun tulille. Valitsin parikymmentä ensimmäistä artikkelia.

    Sattumanvaraisia havaintoja.

    1. Vain yhdessä artikkelissa käsiteltiin USAIDin todellista luonnetta suhteessa ulkomaailmaan hieman enemmän ja sekin tehtiin peitellysti. Kaikissa muissa artikkeleissa järjestö esitettiin kukkakirjaillen olevan "kaiken hyvän puolella kaikkea pahaa vastaan."

    2. Poikkeuksetta kaikki potkut saaneet työntekijät olivat syyttömiä ja politiikasta riippumattomia sankarityöntekijöitä, jotka nyt kärsivät Muskin mielivallasta. Yhdessäkään artikkelissa ei mainittu, että USAIDin työntekijöiden antamasta vaalikampanjarahoituksesta 97% meni demokraateille.

    3. Yhdessäkään artikkelissa ei käsitelty USAIDin ratkaisevaa osuutta sensuuriteollisessa kompleksissa, joka alisti koko läntisen maailman somealustat mielivaltaiseen sensuuriin vuoden 2019 jälkeen.

    4. Yhdessäkään artikkelissa ei käsitelty USAIDin käyttöä demokraattien lypsykoneena jolla "kehitysyhteistyörahoja" kierrätettiin kansalaisjärjestöjen avulla takaisin demokraattipuolueen ehdokkaille.

    5. Yhdessäkään artikkelissa ei mainittu esimerkkejä USAIDin hulvattoman mielikuvituksellisesta rahankäytöstä, joka kilpailee luovuudessa Suomen Akatemian ja Koneen säätiön hyväksymien tutkimusrahoitusten kanssa.

    6. Yhdessäkään artikkelissa ei ihmetelty miksi USAID tuki BBC:tä, World Economic Forumia, Wuhanin lepakkolaboratoriota, vasemmistolaista Politico-mediaa tai satoja muita hankkeita joita ei mitenkään voi laskea "kehitysavuksi".

    7. Jos lähteet olivat mainittu, kaikki käytetyt olivat poikkeuksetta yhdysvaltalaisesta vasemmistomediasta tai vasemmistolaisista uutistoimituksista.

    Tulos ei aiemman kokemuksen perusteella yllättynyt. Suomen Vastuullinen Valtamedia (=SVV) keskittyy vahvasti vasemmistolaisen hegemonian ylläpitämiseen ja sen agendan ajamiseen asenteellisuudella, harhaanjohtamalla ja puolitotuuksia käyttämällä. SVV on Suomen USAID.

    Kun toinen puoli asioista jätetään jatkuvasti kertomatta syntyy idiottikupla, jota voi empiirisesti tarkastella seuraamalla Hesarin kommentointipalstaa, jossa 1-tason mediakuplan hengenjättiläiset jakavat viisauksiaan toisille. Mistään et löydä suurempaa määrää misinformaatiota niin pieneen tilaan ahdettuna.

    Jotta tämä ei menisi kokonaan negatiiviseksi niin muista, että tutkimuksen mukaan meillä on Euroopan medialukutaitoisin kansa."

  7. "America, are you ready to learn the truth about USAID and the 190,052 missing Guatemalan children? @PamBondi"


    Tämän kokoluokan pahuutta on vaikea ymmärtää.

  8. Thomas Massie: "I just cosponsored @RepGregSteube's bill to abolish the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

    USAID sends billions of American tax dollars overseas. When it spends at home, it's subsidizing subscriptions to left-leaning outlets like @politico.

    End USAID."


    1. "BREAKING: Secretary of State Marco Rubio just deemed that only 294 USAID staffers are necessary out of 14,000.

      The entire agency will be imminently reduced from 14,000 to 294 employees.

      This has to be the biggest mass firing yet."

      "USAID, which the Elon Musk-led Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has targeted as a prime example of taxpayer-funded waste, will only retain a combined 294 staffers in Washington and its worldwide outposts, including 12 employees in its Africa bureau and eight in its Asia bureau, according to Reuters.

      The small group of remaining employees includes individuals who specialize in health and humanitarian assistance, according to the New York Times.

      USAID officials were also informed Thursday that roughly 800 awards and contracts administered through the agency were being terminated, the outlet reported. "

  9. "The "National Democratic Institute"—with Tom Daschle, Stacey Abrams, Donna Brazile, Michael McFaul, & Randi Weingarten on its board—received $887k from fundraisers in 2022-2023 and received $167 MILLION in govt grants.

    -$81.7 million of that went to employee compensation
    -15 officers received compensation between $178k and $344k for a total of $2.8 million
    -$4.1 million on office expenses
    -$13.7 million on travel
    -$4.2 million on conferences, conventions, & meetings

    Its mission statement? "To work in partnership around the world to strengthen and safeguard democratic institutions, processes, norms, and values to secure a better quality of life for all.""


  10. "USAID secretly poured uncountable hundreds of millions of dollars toward Hamas, including tens of millions of cash they could never account for.

    Throughout the Biden admin, they knew the money they were pouring into Gaza would benefit Hamas. They did it anyway."

  11. "Katherine Long, the journalist of the hit piece that got a DOGE employee to resign for spicy posts, is a USAID employee. How is this not a conflict of interest?"


  12. "Biden threatened to withhold a $1 billion USAID loan guarantee unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his son's company. Victoria Nuland funded the Ukrainian coup with USAID money. USAID is at the heart of the war between Ukraine and Russia. "


    1. "90% of Ukraine media is funded by USAID.

      It’s an insurance policy to coverup billions in corrupt “aid”with controlled opposition media.

      They can’t control the narrative anymore.

      They’re panicking."


  13. "Probably a good time to remind you that USAID also controls the labor unions & pays them for their usefulness in influencing politics"


  14. "This USAID situation is just the beginning. It gets worse. Way worse.

    If they were willing to go to these lengths to manipulate us… what else are they lying about?

    However bad you think it is, it’s worse.

    Just wait until we get to Epstein, Marina Abramovic, and the Podestas."



  15. Yhdysvaltain kirjeenvaihtaja: Jos Trump lakkauttaa kehitysavun, suurin voittaja on Putin

    "USAIDilla on vuodessa runsaan 42 miljardin dollarin budjetti, jolla rahoitetaan kehitysyhteistyöhankkeita ja ruoka-apua eri puolella maailmaa.

    – Eniten rahaa on mennyt Ukrainaan. Kehitysyhteisjärjestö on sadoilla miljoonilla dollareilla tukenut Ukrainan energiasektorin uudelleen rakentamista, kun Venäjä on sitä moukaroinut.

    – Jos rahat jäädytetään, niin pitkällä tähtäimellä tästä hyötyy eniten Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin, Karppinen havainnollistaa."

    Ei sanaakaan siitä korruptiosta ja verovarojen haaskaamisesta, jota Muskin DOGE on löytänyt. Sen sijaan yritetään jälleen kerran luoda mielikuva Trumpista Putinin kätyrinä.


    1. Kommentti: Musk julisti sodan valtiolle – demokraatit Muskille

      "Maailmalla huomiota on saanut yritys lakkauttaa kehitysyhteistyövirasto USAID. Avustusprojektit ympäri maailmaa ovat jäissä.

      USAID:ia on pidetty tärkeänä Yhdysvaltain pehmeän vallan välineenä. Ei ole ihme, että Venäjän ulkoministeriön tiedottaja Marija Zaharova iloitsee jo, että ”globaalista sekaantumiskoneesta” päästään eroon."

      Näemmä Tavistock-verkoston ohjeet narratiivin rakentamiseksi on saatu: Trump on vatnikki!
