torstai 7. marraskuuta 2024

Trumpin lupaukset

Trump voitti. Kampanjan aikana hän ja hänen tiiminsä tekivät lukuisia mielenkiintoisia vaalilupauksia. Niiden joukossa on muun muassa Ukrainan sodan lopettaminen, ilmastosekoilun lopettaminen, FDA:n korruption kitkeminen (RFK Jr.), byrokratian ja valtiohallinnon tuhlailun karsiminen (Elon Musk), JFK:n murhaan liittyvien asiakirjojen julkaisu ja Epstein-listan (Epstein client list) paljastaminen. 

Hyvin moni MAGA-kannattaja tulee vaatimaan näiden lupausten pitämistä. Saa nähdä mikä toteutuu ja mikä ei. Seurantaa kommenttiosiossa.

110 kommenttia:

  1. Trump: "One of the most urgent tasks... is to decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax."

    "The radical left's fearmongering about climate and our future is... destroying America's economy, weakening our society, and eviscerating our middle class. It's really hurting us."

    "We have to defeat the climate hoaxsters once and for all."


    1. NYT: Trump suunnittelee Yhdysvaltain irtautumista Pariisin ilmasto­sopimuksesta

    2. BREAKING: @EPA Advisor Admits ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump is Funneling Billions to Climate Organizations, “We’re Throwing Gold Bars off the Titanic”

      “It was an insurance policy against Trump winning.”

      “Get the money out as fast as possible before they [Trump Administration] come in ... it’s like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing gold bars off the edge.”


    3. Orpo: Tämä Trumpin ensitoimista särähti erityisesti – "Iso pettymys"

      Sosialistipääministerimme on hyvin pettynyt, kun Trump ei suostu olemaan mukana sosialistien ilmastohuijauksessa.

  2. Kennedy: "President Trump has asked me to do three things:
    1. Clean up the corruption in our government health agencies.
    2. Return those agencies to their rich tradition of gold-standard, evidence-based science.
    3. Make America Healthy Again by ending the chronic disease epidemic."


    Tuota tunkiota kun aletaan siivota, sieltä voi löytyä kaikenlaista jännää.

    1. "Donald Trump has only been elected for 2 days and RFK Jr is already working on making America healthy again.

      God bless him."


    2. Rokotevastainen salaliittoteoreetikko, jonka aivoista löytyi loismato – tälle miehelle Trump haluaa antaa vapaat kädet terveyspolitiikassa

      Valtamedian vastareaktio oli odotetusti valehtelu ja mustamaalaaminen. Tätä se tulee olemaan jatkossakin.

    3. "Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says BIG Changes are Coming to Our Public Health Agencies on Day 1 of Trump’s Administration

      “We’re going to change the personnel of the agencies. We’re going to fire on day 1, or if we can’t fire them we can ship them to a new HHS headquarters in Guam, every nutritional scientist at FDA because all of them are corrupt.

      For 30 years, CDC and NIH have looked at this autism epidemic and said we know it’s not vaccines but we don’t know what’s causing it. Well we’re going to find out what’s causing it and we’re going to do that in a couple of months.”"


    4. Trumpin nimitti rokotevastaisen Robert F. Kennedy Jr:n terveysministeriksi

      "Marraskuun alussa Kennedy kirjoitti X-palvelussa, että vaalivoiton jälkeen Trump ohjestaisi viranomaisia toimiin fluoridin poistamiseksi julkisesta juomavedestä. Kennedy kuvasi fluoridia teollisuusjätteeksi, joka on yhdistetty hänen mukaansa muun muassa luusyöpään, luunmurtumiin sekä älykkyysosamäärän laskuun."

      Se on jotenkin käsittämätöntä, että tuo julkisen juomaveden myrkyttäminen on saanut jatkua näin pitkään.

    5. Robert F Kennedy jr. terveysministeriksi – erottaako reaktio valintaan jyvät akanoista?

    6. America Is Healing.

      Kennedyn suhteen minulla on omat varaukseni(*), mutta tässä nimenomaisessa roolissa hän saa varmasti paljon hyvää aikaiseksi.


    7. Toimittaja Pekka Lähteenmäki: "USA:n politiikan tylsä tuotantokausi on nyt ohi. Kuulitteko jo vitsin siitä, että terveysministeriksi on ehdolla rokotevastustaja Robert F Kennedy Jr, joka epäilee valtion myrkyttävän kansalaisia, mutta ei usko HIV:n aiheuttavan aidsia. Toisaalta hän uskoo, että 5g-verkoilla kontrolloidaan meitä eikä maitoa kannata pastöroida.

      Tervetuloa listeria ja salmonella.

      Onko hänellä salaliittoteorioita koronaviruksesta tai onko hän kuljettanut autossaan karhunraadon New Yorkin keskuspuistoon jekkuna? Kyllä."

    8. Trump picks Covid lockdown critic to lead top health agency

      "In October 2020, Bhattacharya co-authored an open letter known as the Great Barrington Declaration, calling for an alternative to lockdowns, recommending that the focus should instead be on protecting vulnerable groups such as elderly people.

      He remains a vocal critic of how Anthony Fauci - a former director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a division of NIH - handled the pandemic.

      Then-NIH director Francis Collins said at the time the Great Barrington Declaration, which came before Covid vaccines were available, was dangerous, dismissing the authors as “fringe experts”.

      Bhattacharya is not the only Trump nominee to have criticised the response of US public health agencies to the pandemic.

      Trump has also picked Marty Makary, a Johns Hopkins surgeon who opposed the Covid-19 vaccine mandate, to run the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

      Dave Weldon, a physician and former Republican congressman who has also cast doubt on vaccine safety, was picked to run the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."

    9. Meet @DrJBhattacharya just nominated by Trump as the new NIH Director

      “Lockdowns were an enormous & catastrophic mistake.. We should recoil with horror.. Covid policies violated medical ethics & crushed ability for physicians/scientists to discuss facts/evidence.. many silenced"


    10. "Trump valitsi Jay Bhattacharayan NIH:n johtoon.
      Jay on henkilö, joka sai pandemian alussa kokea keskitetyn mustamaalaus- ja sensuurihyökkäyksen juuri NIH:n suunnalta.

      Kansalaisjournalisti Adele Kottarainen kertoo, mitä juuri sinun tulee tietää 👇"

      (kirjoitus + video)

    11. "All of this was orchestrated."

      RFK Jr: "Event 201 is a simulation that they did right before Covid hit, and it was a drill for how to handle pandemics... What they talked about was how to turn America into a totalitarian state."

      "I've been able to find 22 of those simulations... Fauci and Bill Gates play key roles in them."

      "Bill Gates called Fauci in 2000... and he said, I want to propose to you a partnership, that you and I work together to vaccinate the world."

      "And the story of these simulations is critically important because... it was a way of drilling and practicing a coup d'état against American democracy."

      "And they impose something... called Stockholm syndrome, where the captive... comes to this belief that the only way that they can save their lives is through absolute obsequious obedience to their captors."

      "And all of these drills were intended to impose and to induce that condition in the entire public."


    12. Robert F. Kennedy Jr: "Maailman talousfoorumi on miljardöörien kerho, joka järjestää varallisuuden siirtoa ylöspäin ja pyrkii alistamaan kaikki muut totalitaariselle valvonnalle. Minua hämmästyttää, että he pystyvät määräilemään maailman johtajia hallitsemaan meitä tavalla, joka kumoaa meidän perustuslailliset ja kansalaisoikeutemme. Korona-aikana siirrettiin 4 biljoonaa dollaria ylöspäin sulkemalla pienyritykset. He sensuroivat kaikkia niitä, jotka kritisoivat heidän toimintaansa."


    13. "RFK Jr. plans to REMOVE the IMMUNITY PROTECTIONS of vaccine manufacturers and to hold them accountable for harmful vaccines."


    14. "RFK Jr. Stuns Critics With Masterclass Senate Confirmation Performance

      Elizabeth Warren tried to put RFK Jr. on the spot. What happened next was priceless.

      🧵 THREAD"


    15. "Holy hell the Washington Post is desperate to stop RFK Jr. These are all in the last 24 hours.

      After RFK Jr. makes the country healthy again, remember the people who wanted to keep you sick."


      Tässä tapahtumasarjassa näkyy erittäin hyvin se, miten paljon Big Pharmalla on valtaa.

    16. JP: Hyenas Going for RFK Jr's Jugular at Confirmation - News Update!

    17. "The hostility @RobertKennedyJr experienced at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received. In fact, each of them simply repeated the same attacks we just saw flood the mass media (all of which were blatant lies). 🧵"


    18. This One Question at RFK Jr.'s Confirmation Hearing Is Everything Wrong with Our Congress

    19. Tim Pool: RFK JR CONFIRMED, Senate Confirms RFK As HHS Secretary In MASSIVE Win For Trump & MAHA

      Tämä on iso juttu. Nyt on vihdoinkin mahdollista, että vaaralliset mrna-piikit saadaan pois markkinoita, ja lääketeollisen kompleksin korruptiota paljastettua.

  3. RFK JR: "I spent two days with [Trump] recently and he was saying things that were kind of shocking to me...The level of change that he wants to make in our government, I think is going to be unprecedented...He wants a revolution and I think he's going to get one."


    1. "President Trump released his plan to DISMANTLE the Deep State. Now that he's President-elect, this is the most important three minutes of video on the internet right now. "


    2. Vivek Ramaswamy: Trump’s Sweeping Victory, & What It Means for the Future of Government Bureaucracy

    3. "Donald Trump is closing up the corrupt Department of Education

      This is HUGE! 🔥🔥"


    4. Kommentti: Trumpin hallitus on niin kauhea, ettei hän usko itsekään siihen

      Medialla vähän peppu kipeänä.

    5. Vivek Says Eliminating the Income Tax Would ‘Starve the Beast’

      “if you feed the beast, the beast is going to find new things to do that it shouldn't have done in the first place … The deep state is funded by the existence of those taxes flowing in. So if you want to k*ll that beast, you’ve got to starve that beast.”


  4. "Alex Jones Accepts Don Jr's Nomination To Be The New Press Secretary For The Incoming Trump Administration "

    Mahtava idea! Do it!

  5. President Donald Trump's plan to crackdown on transgenderism.

    1. An executive order to ban federal agencies from promoting or funding "gender transition" for all ages.

    2. Request Republican-controlled congress to pass a bill that:

    - stops funding to pay for "gender reassignment surgery"

    - bans "gender reassignment surgery" for children nationwide

    - enables patients to sue so-called "doctors" who have performed "gender reassignment surgery" on children

    - mandates that the federal government only recognizes the genders of "male" and "female," assigned at birth

    3. Direct the Department of Justice to investigate big pharma and large hospital networks (e.g. Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins) to determine if the effects of so-called "gender affirming care."


    1. "This is me when I was trans and had my breasts cut off.

      I’m posting this for the first time so people understand why I voted Trump.

      This is happening to young women all over America. I know I’ll be ridiculed but I don’t care—retweet if you want this to stop:"


  6. Donald Trump's plan to end the drug epidemic in America by declaring war on the drug cartels.

    "We will show no mercy on the cartels."

    1. "Deploy all necessary military assets, including the US Navy to impose the full naval embargo and the cartels."

    2. "Guarantee that the waters of the Western Hemisphere are not used to traffic illicit drugs to our country."

    3. "Order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces cyber warfare and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations."

    4. "Designate the major cartels as foreign terrorist organizations."

    5: "Sever their access to global financial systems."

    6. "Get the full cooperation of other governments to stop [the cartels], or we will expose every bribe, every kickback, every payoff, and every bit of corruption that is allowing the cartels to preserve their brutal reign."

    7. "Ask Congress to pass legislation ensuring that drug smugglers and human traffickers receive the de*th penalty."

    "When I'm back in the White House, the drug kingpins and vicious traffickers will never sleep soundly again."


  7. "Trump plans to redirect the money being spent on Ukraine towards a nationwide initiative to get the homeless off the streets by building "tent cities" where they can be relocated.

    His plan includes banning urban camping & arresting violators while empowering rehab organizations.

    "We want to take care of them, but they have to be off our streets. There is nothing compassionate about letting these individuals live in filth and squalor."

    Our new golden age is almost here. Just two more months until Inauguration Day."


    1. "Trump Pledges To End Veteran Homelessness By Redirecting Money Used To House, Move and Feed Illegal Immigrants."


  8. "Trump aikoo kieltää sosiaalisen median sensuuri. Tämän jälkeen en näe mahdollisena, että EU pystyisi käytännössä toteuttamaan omaa sensuuripolitiikkaa."


    1. JD Vance says US could drop support for NATO if Europe tries to regulate Elon Musk’s platforms

  9. Donald Trumps plan to Terminate the US Relationship with the World Health Organization and Thwart their Efforts to Surrender our Sovereignty with the “Pandemic Treaty”

    “The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam, paid for by the United States, but owned and controlled by China.

    When the China virus reached our shores, the World Health Organization disgracefully covered the tracks of the Chinese Communist Party every single step of the way.

    For this reason, it was my great honor to terminate America's relationship with the World Health Organization…>

    Unfortunately, crooked Joe Biden foolishly re-entered the World Health Organization…>

    And now Biden had pushed to bypass the United States Senate to enter a Pandemic Treaty that would surrender American sovereignty to the World Health Organization, again, controlled by China…>”


    • Immediately terminate that treaty
    • Not allow public health to be used as a pretext to advance the march of global government.
    • Withdraw from the corrupt World Health Organization.
    • Work to forge a new coalition of nations that are strongly committed to protecting health, while also upholding sovereignty and freedom.

    “They were so anxious to get the United States back after I terminated the agreement.

    They were so anxious to get it back that they offered me a deal, $25 to $30 million. And I said, NO, I'll wait.”


    1. Matteo Salvini proposes Italy's exit from the WHO following Donald Trump's announcement

      Saataisiinko tästä aikaiseksi ketjureaktio?

  10. Tämä mies vastaa Trumpin hallinnossa maahan­muuttajien karkottamisesta – yhteyksiä kohu­projektiin

    "Trumpin mukaan Homanin on määrä jatkossa vastata rajojen lisäksi myös muun muassa paperittomien siirtolaisten lähettämisestä takaisin kotimaihinsa. Maahanmuuttoa kampanjassaan painottanut Trump on uhannut muun muassa karkottaa kaikki paperittomat siirtolaiset maasta."

    Melko tiukka ja sanavalmis kaveri:


    1. "Trump’s new border czar, Tom Homan, has promised the American people that he will locate and rescue the over 300,000 missing children from the Harris-Biden administration in a major child rescue operation.

      At the same time, Trump has promised that his deportation operation will be larger than President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s."


      Miksei Bidenin hallinnossa ole ketään, joka haluaisi pelastaa nämä lapset?

    2. “I’m a taxpayer, you work for ME”


    3. "Trump Pledges War On Human Traffickers By Giving Them The Death Penalty When Convicted"


    4. Tucker Carlson: Tom Homan’s Plan to Destroy the Cartel Empire, End Child Trafficking, and Secure the Border for Good

    5. "Between 75,000 and 80,000 of the over 300,000 missing migrant children have been located, according to Harris Faulkner on Fox News.

      She stated that the Trump administration's efforts to identify these children began even before the election and emphasized the importance of finding "these little ones."

      Faulkner blasted former Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for lying to a committee about not knowing the whereabouts of these missing children.

      Tom Homan announced that plans to launch an operation to locate and rescue these children would begin immediately."


      Trumpin hallinnolta meni vain muutama päivä löytää yli 75000 kadonnutta lasta. Vaikea uskoa, että Bidenin hallinnon toimimattomuus oli pelkkää epäpätevyyttä.


      This wasn’t just any smuggling ring—it was one of the biggest in U.S. history, moving over 20,000 people across the border for up to $18,000 each.

      The alleged mastermind, Eduardo Domingo Renato Matul, is in custody along with two others.

      But one suspect is still on the run—and he’s already made death threats against an FBI agent and his family.

      Authorities believe he could be in L.A. or Guatemala."


    7. President Trump, with a beautiful MIC DROP: "The media and our friends in the Democrat Party kept saying we needed new legislation to secure the border. But it turned out that all we really needed was a new president." 🔥


      Trumpin persoonassa on piirteitä, joista en pidä yhtään. Mutta tämä puoli hänestä saa minut hymyilemään. Onhan tuo helvetin röyhkeää sanoa noin, mutta se on kuitenkin totta, ja paljastaa demokraattileirin epärehellisyyden.

  11. Kash Patel says as Trump’s next CIA Director, he will lead patriots appointed by Trump. “We will find the conspirators in government and the media. Yes, we are going to come after the people in the media."


    Käsittääkseni hänen nimitystä ei ole vielä vahvistettu, mutta media pitää häntä suurena suosikkina CIA:n johtoon. Ellei hän sitten päädy FBI:n johtoon. Saa nähdä.

    1. Trump haluaa FBI:n johtoon salaliittoteoreetikkona tunnetun luottomiehensä

      "Patel tunnetaan deep state -salaliittoteorian kannattajana ja hän kirjoittanut aiheesta kirjan. Trump on useasti syyttänyt deep staten eli syvän valtion juonivan itseään vastaan.

      – Kash on loistava asianajaja, tutkija ja ”America First” -taistelija, joka on urallaan keskittynyt paljastamaan korruptiota, puolustamaan oikeutta ja suojelemaan amerikkalaisia, kirjoitti Trump Truth social -viestipalvelussaan."

      Kun media leimaa jonkun Trumpin valitseman henkilön salaliittoteoreetikoksi, se on aina erittäin hyvä merkki.

      Tästä voi tulla mielenkiintoista. Tosin vähän kyllä ihmettelen, että miten tämä nimitys saadaan läpi senaatissa. Aika näyttää.

      “I’d shut down the FBI Hoover building on day 1 and reopen it the next day as a museum of the deep state.”


    2. "Meet Kash Patel, Donald Trump’s choice for FBI Director. Patel has revealed that some members of Congress are connected to the Epstein list, which he promises to declassify on day one.

      He also plans to create a 24/7 declassification office to release long-hidden files, including those on JFK and 9/11."


    3. "You might not agree with 100% of Donald Trump’s appointees, but it’s clear there is a gameplan in mind.

      Kash as FBI Director is more proof that eradicating the Deep State is atop the agenda. Those claiming Trump is compromised, can be swiftly disregarded moving forward.

      We have Elon and Vivek deleting 80%+ of the federal government, RFK Jr. in charge of health and the Covid reckoning, Tulsi in charge of all intelligence, Homan shutting down the border and deporting illegals, and now Kash is going to gut the FBI.

      Sign me up. If you can’t get excited and/or hopeful about this, then you’re just blackpilling for the sake of blackpilling. Trump and his team are, at the very least, attempting to address the corruption and destroy the Deep State.

      Will it work? We shall see. But it’s clear Trump is not messing around this time."

      Olen aika pitkälti samoilla linjoilla. "Black pill -kauppiaiden" argumentit on tällä hetkellä aika heikolla pohjalla. Totta kai Trumpiin ja muihin vallankäyttäjiin täytyy aina suhtautua terveellä skeptisyydellä ja varautuneisuudella, mutta tosiasiat täytyy ottaa tosiasioina. Tämä Trumpin tuleva hallinto on täynnä ihmisiä, jotka ovat kyllästyneitä joka paikassa rehottavaan korruptioon, ja haluavat tehdä asialle jotain. Aika näyttää miten hyvin he siinä onnistuvat.

      Eniten minua tässä kuviossa mietityttää se, että onko näillä ihmisillä kunnollista käsitystä siitä, millaiset voimat heillä on vastassa? Siis ymmärtääkö Trump ja kumppanit, miten valtavan suuri "Eliitin" rakentama valtaverkosto on? Ymmärtävätkö he esimerkiksi Vatikaanin, jesuiittojen, Maltan ritarien, Illuminatin, Round Tablen ja kuninkaallisten roolin ja aseman tässä globaalin korruption verkostossa? Hieman epäilen. Mutta voihan se olla, että se ymmärrys kasvaa sitä mukaa kun korruptiota saadaan paljastettua. Mene ja tiedä. Elämme joka tapauksessa hyvin mielenkiintoisia aikoja.

    4. Trumpilta uusi nimitys: Verrataan Staliniin

      Haiseeko täällä paniikki?

    5. Mark DIce: Fear and Loathing Over Trump's New Pick To Lead the FBI is Glorious!

    6. "This is how the FBI has been operating under its current leadership. It stops January 20th."


    7. The Left Tried to Stop Kash Patel—Now He’s Ready to Lead Trump’s FBI


      The U.S. Senate has officially confirmed Kash Patel as the next Director of the FBI under Trump."

      Pitkään epäilin, että löytyykö riittävää määrää senaattoreita vahvistamaan Patelia. Ihme kyllä löytyi. 51-49.

      Nyt tämä meni todella mielenkiintoiseksi. Epstein-listan julkaisu lähestyy.

    9. "Kash Patel literally told us that he would release the Epstein Black book on day one.

      Countless politicians, celebrities, and powerful figures participated in a child sex trafficking ring and we are about to definitively find out who.

      The panic in DC must be palpable."


      Popkornit tulille!

    10. Kash Patel: “Look at Nancy Pelosi's insider trading deals. It is insider trading, and she keeps making $100s of millions of dollars.”

      “So do dozens of other congressmen and women”


    11. PANIC: Attorney General Pam Bondi reveals imminent release of the Jeffrey Epstein and P. Diddy lists:

      “I was just briefed on this topic. There are LOTS of documents. LOTS of documents. Stay tuned. We are keeping this promise.”


    12. "I bet Adam Schiff is shitting his pants right now !"


      Onko ihme, että Schiff oli yksi suurimmista Patelin valinnan vastustajista?

    13. "President Donald J. Trump names @dbongino as Deputy Director of the FBI.

      Congratulations, Dan!"


      Panokset kovenee - ja isosti. Tällainen kaveri:

    14. "JUST IN: Kash Patel and the FBI have launched an investigation into former Director James Comey’s spying on President Trump’s 2016 campaign


      Comey and the Obama FBI sent two female “honeypot” agents to infiltrate the Trump campaign, traveling with Trump as well as some high level staffers, per Washington Times

      Worse, this was an “OFF THE BOOKS” operation, and the Trump FBI is now attempting to locate those agents."

      Kyllä ne nyt ihan oikeasti lähtee tuota FBI:n korruptiota siivoamaan. Ties mitä kaikkea sieltä vielä löytyy.

      Mielenkiintoinen tilanne. Todennäköisesti ensimmäistä kertaa USA:n historiassa maalla on nyt liittovaltion poliisi, joka keskittyy rikollisten suojelemisen sijaan rikollisten jahtaamiseen.

    15. Kash Patel: "The FBI is entering a new era—one that will be defined by integrity, accountability, and the unwavering pursuit of justice. There will be no cover-ups, no missing documents, and no stone left unturned — and anyone from the prior or current Bureau who undermines this will be swiftly pursued. If there are gaps, we will find them. If records have been hidden, we will uncover them. And we will bring everything we find to the DOJ to be fully assessed and transparently disseminated to the American people as it should be. The oath we take is to the Constitution, and under my leadership, that promise will be upheld without compromise."

    16. Tyrmistys leviää Trumpin valinnoista: ”En osaa kuvitella huonompaa”

      Sosialisteilla vähän peppu kipeänä. On se kamalaa, kun FBI alkaa vihdoin tehdä sitä mitä sen kuuluisi tehdä: tutkia rikoksia.

  12. Elon Musk SHOCKS the Deep State & Calls to "END THE FED" with Ron Paul in charge | Redacted News

  13. NEW: Donald Trump chooses John Ratcliffe to serve as his CIA director.

    Ratcliffe has been a strong defender of Trump, specifically regarding the Russia collusion hoax.

    Ratcliffe served as Trump's director of national intelligence from 2020 to 2021.

    "From exposing fake Russian collusion to be a Clinton campaign operation, to catching the FBI’s abuse of Civil Liberties at the FISA Court, John Ratcliffe has always been a warrior for Truth and Honesty with the American Public," Trump said in a statement.

    "When 51 intelligence officials were lying about Hunter Biden’s laptop, there was one, John Ratcliffe, telling the truth to the American People."


  14. "Donald Trump has unveiled a new government agency, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), aimed at cutting waste and slashing regulations.

    The department will be led by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.

    Musk has already reached out to Ron Paul, inviting him to join efforts in reducing government waste under the new Trump administration.

    Ron Paul has labeled the Federal Reserve as the greatest source of waste in government."

    Esimerkkejä järjettömästä veronmaksajien rahojen tuhlaamisesta:

    "Here are some of the most insane statistics about the waste and inefficiency of the US government and why Elon and Vivek's new DOGE is such an incredible and crucial development for America:

    • The CBO revealed at least 1,264 federal programs and bureaus have expired authorizations, but they still received $516B in funding for FY2024

    • The Government Accountability Office estimates the federal government wastes $247B in taxpayer money each year

    • The Department of the Treasury reported $24.5B in "unreconciled transactions" in the past meaning it spent ~$25B on unknown items

    • Department of Agriculture employees misused government issued credit cards spending millions on personal purchases like concert tickets, tattoos, lingerie and car payments

    • $33.2M was spent on transgender monkey research

    • The NIH spent part of a $2.7M grant to study Russian cats walking on a treadmill

    • The DoD ruined $170M of military equipment by leaving it outside

    • The US Agency for International Development spent $6M to promote tourism in Egypt

    • The SBA gave over $200M to music artists like Post Malone, Chris Brown and Lil Wayne through the Covid Paycheck Protection Program

    • The US military bought soap dispensers for aircraft at over 80 times the commercial price

    The importance of the Department of Government Efficiency cannot be overstated"


    1. #13Kantoraportti 13.11: DOGE - alkaako puhdistus?

    2. Tim Pool: MSNBC & CNN LOSE IT Over Elon Musk & Vivek Running DOGE, Deep State Narrative Machine IS DEAD

    3. Elon Musk: "All actions of the Department of Government Efficiency will be posted online for maximum transparency.

      Anytime the public thinks we are cutting something important or not cutting something wasteful, just let us know!

      We will also have a leaderboard for most insanely dumb spending of your tax dollars. This will be both extremely tragic and extremely entertaining 🤣🤣"

      Aivan mahtava idea!

    4. "Do these expenditures seem like a good use of your taxes?"


    5. Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy uncover SHOCKING uses of US tax dollars

    6. Joe Rogan laughs hysterically when he realizes the Pentagon has never passed an audit:

      "How many times have they missed their audit? WAIT, THEY'VE NEVER PASSED AN AUDIT? REALLY? NEVER?" 😂😂😂


    7. Elon ja Vivek ottavat mallia Argentiinan Javier Mileiltä. Mielenkiintoinen ketju:

    8. Matt Walsh: How DOGE Will Save America

    9. Elon Musk: "If you exclude security guards & maintenance personnel, the number of government workers who show up in person and do 40 hours of work a week is closer to 1%!

      Almost no one."

    10. PBD: Uncovering SHOCKING Waste of US Tax Dollars - How DOGE, Musk + Vivek Eliminate Taxes

      Tässä historiakatsauksessa näkyy hyvin, miten fabianistinen malli toimii. Hitaalla hivutuksella valtio muuttuu vähitellen kollektivistiseksi hirviöksi, joka ryöstää kansalaisten omaisuuden. Ja niin ihmisistä tulee sammakoita kattilassa.

      Tuloveron historia on Suomessa hyvin samankaltainen. Ensimmäinen pysyvä tulovero otettiin käyttöön vasta 1920.

    11. Truthstream Media: How Does Congress Keep Getting Away With This?

    12. the slow bleed

      they call it income tax.
      they call it fair.
      but it's not about fairness,
      it's about the slow bleed.

      the old money sits in towers, untouched.
      wrapped in trusts, stitched into corporations,
      their billions glide past the ledger,
      smooth as silk, quiet as a whisper.

      but you?
      you start something new,
      you build, you grind,
      you take the risk,
      and here they come.

      they come with their hands out,
      before you can stand, before you can breathe.
      you hire a man, they tax you.
      you pay yourself, they tax you.
      you buy the things you need,
      and they tax you again.

      the real game isn’t about wealth.
      the old guard keeps theirs,
      locked away in rules they wrote for themselves.
      this game is about control.

      they don’t go after the rich.
      the rich have lawyers,
      the rich have accountants,
      the rich have escape routes.

      they come for the builders.
      they come for the ones clawing their way up,
      for the ones who don’t have loopholes yet,
      for the ones who think playing fair means winning.

      they say it’s about funding schools,
      hospitals, roads—
      but those things are just excuses.
      this isn’t about making things better.
      it’s about keeping you in your place.

      and if you want to keep a little more?
      prove it.
      explain yourself.
      list every penny.
      turn your life inside out,
      show your debts, your choices,
      your failures, your breath, your blood.

      because they own that now, too.

    13. Olet löytänyt Satoshi Nakamoton? Bitcoin (BSV) tulee valaisemaan eliitin korruptiota järkyttävästi, kun ihmiset sen löytävät.

    14. Antonio Gracias: DOGE Happened Just in Time to Stop America from Turning into a Kleptocracy

      "When (@DOGE) started, I thought we had a democracy, but it turned into a bureaucracy."

      "What I'm afraid of now, is we have a bureaucracy that is about to turn into a kleptocracy."


  15. NEW: Newly appointed Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth on reforming US military leadership:

    Anyone "involved in the woke sh*t has got to have to reestablish that trust by putting in no-nonsense warfighters in those positions who aren't going to cater to the socially correct garbage."


    1. Democrats FURIOUS Over Trump Pick Pete Hegseth For SecDef, Media Push DISGUSTING Lies About Veteran

      On se kamalaa, kun Trump ei valinnut ketään sotilasteollisen kompleksin lobbaria.

    2. "The Swamp fears @PeteHegseth because he's an American patriot who isn't owned by the corrupt military industrial complex. He wants to end wokeism in the military, stop the stupid forever wars and put America FIRST on the world stage."


    3. “In President Trump’s Defense Department they will be apologized to, they will be reinstituted with pay and rank.”

      Pete Hegseth commits to reinstating thousands of service members who were kicked out of the military for refusing to get the COVID vaccine.


    4. "Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth is now issuing filmed fact-checks of the media from the Pentagon.



  16. "Meet your new DNI - Tulsi Gabbard

    She was one of the only ones at the time saying there were US Funded Biological Labs working on Deadly Pathogens in Ukraine

    Warmongers like Mitt Romney vilified her and tried to destroy her for saying there were Biolabs in Ukraine. He called her a traitor."


    1. Trumpin ilmoitus ravistelee USA:ta, raju reaktio tiedustelujohtajaan – ”Hyvä jumala”, älähtää professori

      "Gabbard on tukenut Venäjän väitteitä siitä, että Yhdysvallat ja Naton laajentuminen olisivat provosoineet Venäjän aloittamaan hyökkäyssotansa Ukrainassa. Venäjän aloitettua laajan hyökkäyksensä Ukrainaan Gabbard vetosi Ukrainan neutraliteetin puolesta ja väitti, että sota olisi voitu välttää lupaamalla Venäjälle, että Ukraina pysyy Naton ulkopuolella.

      Lisäksi Gabbard on levittänyt salaliittoteoriaa Yhdysvaltain kemiallisten aseiden laboratorioista Ukrainassa.

      Gabbard on ollut usein nokikkain nimenomaan Yhdysvaltain tiedustelun kanssa muun muassa kyseenalaistaen tiedustelutietojen luotettavuutta. Tämäkin selittää sitä, että maan tiedustelupiireissä Trumpin esitys on shokki, kuten Politico kertoo."

      Odotettu reaktio valtamedialta. Gabbard leimataan putinistiksi, koska hän näkee totuuden sotaan johtaneista syistä, eikä myötäile lännen propagandaa, jossa Venäjää ei mukamas millään tavalla provosoitu hyökkäämään.

      Huvittavasti narratiivi vieläkin väittää, että ne kemiallisten aseiden biolaboratoriot ovat vain salaliittoteoria, vaikka Victoria Nuland on jo ajat sitten myöntänyt niiden olemassaolon:

    2. "This is who Trump just selected to be our Director Of National Intelligence. Based."


    3. Putin kosiskeli Trumpia: ”Ukrainan sota ei olisi syttynyt, jos Trumpin vaalivoittoa ei olisi varastettu”

    4. NEW: Tulsi Gabbard unleashes on the deep state, the 51 intelligence officials, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic Party in her opening statement.

      One of the best opening statements I’ve seen.

      “Democrats have accused me of being Trump’s puppet, Putin’s puppet, Assad’s puppet, Modi’s puppet, but what truly unsettles them is I refuse to be their puppet.”


    5. "Tulsi Gabbard just called out CNN as the propaganda arm of the intelligence community. Wow.

      This is a must watch video.

      Tulsi: "They are exposing themselves essentially by making this indirect threat, using their propaganda arm through CNN that they’ve used over and over again to reveal their hand, that their loyalty is not at all to America, it is not to the American people or the Constitution, it is to themselves."

      "These are exactly the kinds of people that we need to root out."

      "I have to tell you, one of the byproducts of what I saw today is because of this immediate action of transparency and accountability."

      "I have people within the intelligence community reaching out to me personally and directly saying 'Hey, you need to know about this, you need to look over here.'"

      "People are stepping forward because they are all on board with the mission to clean house and refocus on our core mission of serving the American people.""


  17. "Friendly reminder- AG nominee Matt Gaetz knows the 2020 Election was stolen 😎

    “I believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 Election. I believe that he won the Electoral College.” 🔥 (clip from 2022)"


    Jos tämä oikeusministeri lähtee tutkimaan 2020-vaaleja, mitähän sieltä löytyy?

    1. "Matt Gaetz floated a theory that Jeffrey Epstein may have been a*sassinated by a foreign government in collaboration with the U.S. Deep State, urging Bill Barr to testify about the incident.

      While Gaetz stopped short of naming the country, it's widely known that Epstein was a Mossad agent working for the Israeli government."


      Jos tämä oikeusministeri lähtee tutkimaan Epstein-kokonaisuutta, mitähän sieltä löytyy?

    2. Tim Pool: Trump RETRIBUTION IS HERE, Corrupt DOJ PANIC, Hire LAWYERS In Fear Of Matt Gaetz, Kash Patel & Trump

    3. Tim Pool: Media Claims HACKER Stole Compromising Info On Matt Gaetz, DEEP STATE IS TERRIFIED Of AG Matt Gaetz

      Mitä enemmän tällaista tapahtuu, sitä paremmalta tämä valinta vaikuttaa. Saa nähdä miten käy.

    4. Matt Gaetz: "I had excellent meetings with Senators yesterday. I appreciate their thoughtful feedback - and the incredible support of so many. While the momentum was strong, it is clear that my confirmation was unfairly becoming a distraction to the critical work of the Trump/Vance Transition. There is no time to waste on a needlessly protracted Washington scuffle, thus I'll be withdrawing my name from consideration to serve as Attorney General. Trump's DOJ must be in place and ready on Day 1.

      I remain fully committed to see that Donald J. Trump is the most successful President in history. I will forever be honored that President Trump nominated me to lead the Department of Justice and I'm certain he will Save America."

      Saattaa olla, että Mark Dice oli oikeassa, kun hän epäili tämän nimityksen olevan vain osa näytelmää, jolla Gaetz saadaan Rubion tilalle senaattiin. Saa nähdä.

  18. Trumpin valinta ulkoministeriksi on aiheuttanut paljon ihmettelyä. Eikä syyttä. Marco Rubio kuuluu mm. siihen älykääpiöporukkaan, jonka mukaan "se oli vain loogista, että Venäjä räjäytti omat kaasuputkensa":

    Aiemmin hän on syyttänyt Trumpia huijariksi (con artist) lukuisia kertoja:

    Mutta nyt Trump haluaa tämän neocon-sodanlietsojan omaan hallintoonsa ulkoministeriksi? Tilanteessa jossa suurin osa muista nimetyistä henkilöistä vaikuttaa olevan enemmänkin sodanlietsonnan vastustajia? Aika erikoinen siirto, mutta mehän emme tiedä mitään siitä, mikä tämän siirron tarkoitus on. Aika näyttää.

    Kun yritin miettiä tämän siirron mahdollisia motiiveja, tuli mieleen sellainenkin vaihtoehto, että periaatteessahan ministeriksi nimittäminen voisi olla keino päästä eroon deepstate-senaattoreista. Tämä voi olla vähän kaukaa haettua, mutta teoreettisesti ihan mahdollista. Kun senaattorista tulee ministeri, hän luopuu senaattorin paikastaan. Jos presidentti sen jälkeen antaa tälle ministerille potkut, hän ei käsittääkseni voi enää palata senaattoriksi. Näin lopputulos olisi se, että tällainen henkilö ei olisi enää ministeri eikä senaattori. Jos minä olisin presidentti, ja haluaisin jonkun senaattorin pois senaatista, voisin hyvinkin kuvitella käyttäväni tällaista strategiaa.

    Toisaalta on aivan mahdollista, että Rubion nimitys on osa jotain isompaa diiliä, josta me emme tiedä mitään. Mene ja tiedä. Joka tapauksessa hyvin outo siirto, jonka vaikutuksia kannattaa jäädä seuraamaan.

  19. "Donald Trump’s Attorney General nominee, Pam Bondi, delivered a bombshell presentation in 2020 exposing the Biden family’s ties to the corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

    During her revelations on Ukraine corruption, the big three networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC—went dark, completely ignoring the story."


    Jos tämä oikeusministeri alkaa penkoa Bidenin perheen touhuja, mitähän sieltä löytyy?

    1. "Over a decade ago, Trump’s new Attorney General pick, Pam Bondi, joined forces with Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd in a relentless fight against child trafficking.

      Their efforts have led to the arrests of numerous traffickers, including Disney employees and cartel members."


    2. WP: Trump haluaa hallintonsa oikeusministeriön tutkivan vilpillisinä pitämänsä vuoden 2020 vaalit

    3. "The Senate confirms ATTORNEY GENERAL Pam Bondi.

      Great day for the rule of law!"


      Tästä tulee mielenkiintoista.


      The new United States Attorney General just put Epstein’s powerful associates on notice—including Bill Clinton, who flew on the Lolita Express.

      🔴 "People tied to Epstein should have their names released to the public."

      🔴 Clinton, along with countless elites, took multiple trips—what were they REALLY doing?

      🔴 The walls are closing in on the global elite who thought they were untouchable.

      🔥 This isn’t just speculation anymore. The Epstein list is coming, and the world is about to learn the TRUTH. The guilty are sweating. 🔥"


  20. "Katsokaas, mitä Trumpin juuri nimittämä uusi Surgeon General sanoi kaksi vuotta sitten:
    ”Jos CDC hyväksyy covid-rokotteen lisäämisen lasten rokotusohjelmaan, se merkitsee räikeän epäeettistä ja haitallista päätöstä lapsille. Ei pakkorokotuksia. Varsinkaan rokotteelle, joka ei voi estää sairauksia. Antakoon Jumala heille viisautta ja rohkeutta äänestää asianmukaisesti.” "

  21. Brett Cooper: Did Trump Make A Mistake?

    Hieman kyseenalainen valinta.

  22. Mediat: Trump aikoo arvioida Yhdysvaltojen lähtemistä Natosta

  23. MARKKU RUOTSILA: Tämän takia on helppoa tuomita Trump, Kulttuuriset totuudet & Vaalivilppi

  24. "Sen. Moreno: Mayorkas let in about 12,000 murderers. How many would you let in?

    Gov. Noem: None.

    Sen. Moreno: Mayorkas let in 6,000 rapists into this country. How many would you let in?

    Gov. Noem: My goal would be none.

    Sen. Moreno: Mayorkas let in 600,000 with criminal convictions. How many would you let in?

    Gov. Noem: Those with criminal convictions will be immediately removed.

    Sen. Moreno: How many private jets will you send to fly people into this country?

    Gov. Noem: We won’t be undertaking that program.

    Sen. Moreno: How many illegals will you be housing in luxury hotels?

    Gov. Noem: That will not be a part of this new administration.

    Sen. Moreno: How many sex change operations for illegals would you fund?

    Gov. Noem: We will not allow that."


    1. OMG: “We Don’t Let Them Get in Our Way”: DHS Official Admits Department Will Defy Secretary Kristi Noem
