keskiviikko 23. marraskuuta 2022

Died Suddenly

Tätä dokumenttielokuvaa ei ole helppo katsoa. Katsokaa se silti. 

Elokuva on saanut parissa päivässä jo miljoonia katselukertoja. Totuudella on tapana tulla esiin, vaikka sitä kuinka yritettäisiin piilotella.

107 kommenttia:

  1. Suomi-teksteillä täältä:

  2. DIED SUDDENLY: "Veli paljasti: 32-vuotiaana kuollut Charlbi Dean valitti päänsärkyä – oli aiemmin hurjassa onnettomuudessa"

    "Eteläafrikkalainen näyttelijä Charlbi Dean kuoli maanantaina äkillisesti New Yorkissa.

    Hänen kuolinsyytään ei ole toistaiseksi kerrottu, mutta Deanin veli Alex Jacobs kertoo nyt viime hetkistä Rolling Stone -lehdelle.

    – Hän valitti päänsärkyä, meni nukkumaan, herätti poikaystävänsä ja pyysi viemään sairaalaan, Jacobs kertoo.

    Dean oli sairaalassa vain muutaman tunnin ennen kuolemaansa."

    Otsikkoon laitettu maininta onnettomuudesta, joka tapahtui 2009.

    "Kyllä se on varmaan jotenkin liittynyt siihen onnettomuuteen!"

    Säälittävä yritys.

  3. DIED SUDDENLY: "Teemu Ruokosken, 45, äkillinen kuolema järkyttää – Aki Manniselta koskettava julkaisu"

    "Remixin tarkoitus oli esiintyä viikonlopun aikana Jyväskylässä ja Vaasassa, mutta he ilmoittivat sosiaalisen median tileillään ensimmäisen keikan peruuntuneen sairastapauksen vuoksi.

    Sitten tuli yhtyeen äkillinen suruviesti, joka on koskettanut monia.

    – Remixin pitkäaikainen basisti, rakas ystävämme Teemu Ruokoski on poistunut yllättäen keskuudestamme, yhtye kirjoitti."

  4. DIED SUDDENLY: "WALESILÄINEN Kevin Davies, 62, menehtyi kisamatkalla Qatarissa, uutisoi Evening Standard. Davies vietiin sairaalaan Walesin Iran-tappion jälkeen perjantaina. Hän kuoli sairaalassa Dohassa.

    Raporttien mukaan hän ei päässyt katsomaan 0–2-häviöön päättynyttä kamppailua, vaan pysyi majoitustiloissa, koska oli huonovointinen. Kuolinsyynä oli sairauskohtaus."

  5. DIED SUDDENLY: "Mies kuoli työntekoon – jakaessaan Black Fridayn tilauksia"

    "Pakettiyhtiö DPD:n kuriiri Warren Norton on löydetty kuolleena kuljettamansa pakettiauton ratin takaa. Mies työskenteli seitsemänä päivänä viikossa 14 tunnin vuoroja, jotta saisi purettua Black Fridayn tilauksia asiakkaille. Hän työskenteli todennäköisesti alihankkijana ja toimitti noin 150 pakettia päivässä.

    The Sun kertoo, että 49-vuotiaalla Nortonilla olisi alkanut loma 25. marraskuuta. Brittimies löydettiin menehtyneenä autosta ja häntä yritettiin elvyttää. Valitettavasti hän oli jo poissa."

    Kuoli työntekoon? Hieman epäilen.

  6. DIED SUDDENLY: "Valko-Venäjän ulkoministeri Vladimir Makei on kuollut. Asiasta kertoo Valko-Venäjän valtiollinen uutistoimisto Belta, jota Reuters siteeraa uutissähkeessään.

    Beltan mukaan Makei kuoli äkillisesti. Virallista kuolinsyytä ei ole vielä kerrottu, mutta valkovenäläisen Nasha Niva -median tietojen mukaan syynä olisi ollut sydänkohtaus."

    Ikää oli 64 vuotta.

  7. DIED SUDDENLY: "Eric The Trainer alias Eric Fleishman on kuollut, raportoi TMZ.

    Julkkisten personal trainer menehtyi äkillisesti 53-vuotiaana kotonaan Kaliforniassa."

  8. Kannattaa katsoa tämä The Great Reset moviekin

  9. DIED SUDDENLY: "Country-laulaja ja -kitaristi Jake Flint on kuollut 37-vuotiaana. Kuolinsyytä ei ole kerrottu julkisuuteen.

    Flint menehtyi Deadlinen mukaan lauantai-iltana, tunteja häidensä jälkeen."

  10. DIED SUDDENLY: "Valtion taloudellisen tutkimuslaitoksen tutkimusprofessori Tuomas Pekkarinen on kuollut. Asiasta tiedotetaan VATT:n verkkosivuilla.

    VATT:n mukaan Pekkarinen kuoli tiistaina äkilliseen sairauskohtaukseen."

  11. DIED SUDDENLY: "Näyttelijä Brad William Henke on kuollut 56-vuotiaana, amerikkalaismediat uutisoivat. Tähden lähipiiristä vahvistetaan TMZ:lle, että näyttelijä menehtyi nukkuessaan tiistaina, eikä kuolinsyystä ole toistaiseksi tietoa."

  12. DIED SUDDENLY: "Hongkongilaisen digitaalivaluuttayritys Amber Groupin perustaja Tiantian Kullander on kuollut nukkuessaan 23. marraskuuta. Finanssimaailmaa on järkyttänyt nuoren kryptofirman perustajan äkillisestä ja odottamattomast kuolemasta vain 30-vuotiaana."

  13. DIED SUDDENLY: "Kanadalainen Tiktok-tähti Megha Thakur on kuollut yllättäen vain 21-vuotiaana. Asiasta kertovat muun muassa New York Post ja Daily Mirror.

    Thakur tunnettiin Tiktokissa erityisesti kehopositiivisuuteen ja itsetunnon kohottamiseen keskittyneestä sisällöstään. Hän aloitti toimintansa alustalla marraskuussa 2019. Hän lähetti viimeisen päivityksensä palveluun 18. marraskuuta.

    Suru-uutisesta kertoivat tähden vanhemmat hänen Instagram-tilillään. He kertovat, että tähti menehtyi yllättäen aamuyöllä 24. marraskuuta. Kuolinsyytä ei toistaiseksi ole kerrottu."

  14. DIED SUDDENLY: "David Robinson on kuollut 50-vuotiaana, raportoi TMZ.

    Dog´s Most Wanted -sarjasta tutun Robinsonin kuoleman vahvisti hänen Brooke-vaimonsa.

    - David oli hyvin terve ja hän oli puhelinpalaverissa kotimme ruokasalissamme, kun hän romahti. Hengenpelastustoimenpiteitä yritettiin tehdä ja ambulanssi kutsuttiin paikalle. David kuoli syliini, Brooke Robinson sanoo"

    1. Tuli tällainen idea. En tiedä miten muokattavissa tämä kyseinen blogsovellus on, mutta voisi olla hieno ja sopivasti järkyttävä, jos nämä "died suddenly"-tapaukset olisivat omassa "uutisnauhassaan" sivun reunassa tai vastaavassa sen sijaan että olisivat kommenttien joukossa. Näiden tapausten tahti tulee vaan lisääntymään. Jos nyt ihan fantasioimaan lähden, niin jonkinlainen tekoäly, joka kokoaa tuolla avainlauseella "died suddenly" ilmaantuvat artikkelit.

    2. Täytyy kysyä EES:n tuotekehitysdivisioonasta, josko siellä olisi jollain osastolla muutama tiimi, jotka voitaisiin irroittaa tekoälyn kehitykseen.

    3. Siitä se lähtee. Toivottavasti siellä tuotekehitysdivisioonan jollain osastolla on sellaisia tiimejä, jotka pystyvät kommunikoimaan jollain muullakin kuin väärin kohdistetulla sarkasmilla. Oikeastihan jos jätetään monelle ihmeellinen sana "tekoäly" pois, niin tuo on täysin tehtävissä ilman suurta vaivaa eikä tarvitse delegoida mielikuvituskaverien alajaostoille. Idea ei ole huono. Tosin tuskinpa ihmisten kuolemalle painoarvoa saisi millään, kun kaikki ovat jo niin turtia.

    4. Ilman suurta vaivaa? Vai niin. Siinä tapauksessa ehdotan, että perustat oman blogin, laitat sinne demon pystyyn, ja julkaiset lähdekoodin. Saa suorittaa.

  15. DIED SUDDENLY: "British family man, 48, dies suddenly on holiday in Tenerife after his wife heard him yell and fall to the ground"

  16. DIED SUDDENLY: "Young Boreham mum, 30, suddenly died after collapsing while on a run"

  17. DIED SUDDENLY: "Russian actress dies suddenly following blood clot days before 38th birthday"

  18. DIED SUDDENLY: "A Sydney father has shared a heartfelt tribute to his wife who died in her sleep just hours after testing positive to COVID-19.

    Healthcare worker Melanie Leffler had received four vaccinations against the virus, but after coming down with a “slightly sore throat and running nose” on November 19, took a rapid Covid test.

    The mum-of-two tested positive, but was “feeling fine” before saying goodnight to her family."

  19. DIED SUDDENLY: "A police investigation has been launched after a man died suddenly at a sauna in Glasgow last night.

    Emergency services were called to The Pipeworks health and leisure club on Metropole Lane at around 7.55pm on Saturday.

    A 51-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene, however, there are not believed to be any suspicious circumstances."

  20. DIED SUDDENLY: "Doting father and partner, Luke Hatherway, died suddenly last month aged 33. He has been described as ‘always being happy’ and ‘when he walked into a room, he brought laughter with him’.

    Luke, from Cirencester, was at work on November 10 when he suffered a heart attack."

  21. DIED SUDDENLY: "The owner of Ocean State Body Builders, Thomas "Tommy" Kloza, suddenly died in the parking lot of his gym Thanksgiving morning. His cause of death is unknown."

  22. DIED SUDDENLY: "Tributes have been paid to a 34-year-old rugby player who died during a training session in Cumbria on Thursday.

    Penrith RUFC player and firefighter Ryan Johnson passed away suddenly during the session, despite the best efforts of his teammates and paramedics at the scene."

  23. DIED SUDDENLY: "A 23-year-old man working as a teacher at a school in Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly died of a heart attack while offering prayers on Saturday. The incident happened at a prayer meet at JK School Academy in Subhash Nagar area under Shahi police station limits, triggering panic.

    Moments before Govind suffered a cardiac arrest, he was busy gathering the children on the ground and then he started praying. But all of a sudden, his health deteriorated and he collapsed, following which he was rushed to a nearby private hospital. Seeing his health worsening, the doctors at the hospital referred him to a medical college but he could not be saved."

  24. DIED SUDDENLY: "An upcoming episode of NCIS: Hawai’i will pay tribute to Yakira Chambers, story editor for the CBS drama who died suddenly last week at the age of 42.

    Chambers’ family tells Deadline the preliminary cause of death has been attributed to acute asphyxia. She was with her mother outside a mall in Newport Beach, Calif. on Wednesday evening when she began suffering breathing difficulties and then collapsed."

  25. Varoitus: Tämä on aika raju.

    DIED SUDDENLY: "Months after a father and his 2-year-old son were found dead in a New York apartment, police have revealed their heartbreaking cause of death: The child likely died of starvation after his father succumbed to heart disease. The Ontario County Sheriff's Department announced the findings earlier this week. David Conde Sr., 59, is said to have suffered from “cardiovascular disease,” leaving his son, 2-year-old David Conde Jr., without food. The toddler’s death was deemed accidental. “It is believed that Mr. Conde passed away first, and the child was not able to obtain any nourishment after his father passed,” police said."

  26. DIED SUDDENLY: "A community is in mourning after the sudden death of a little girl in Richmond, originally hospitalized for flu-like symptoms.

    Danielle Cabana passed away last weekend, weeks after becoming sick, according an Instagram post from her father, which has since been made private.

    The Richmond News reports Denis Cabana says his daughter had caught the flu at the same time as her two sisters, around Remembrance Day, but her symptoms persisted after her siblings had recovered.

    Cabana wrote the family took her to the hospital on Nov. 23. He went on to say she ended up in the intensive care unit at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, where she was diagnosed with myocarditis related to the flu.

    She then reportedly underwent two heart procedures and began to breathe on her own last Saturday, but then passed away after suffering what her father described as a “massive stroke.”"

  27. DIED SUDDENLY: "Well-known advocate for Kelowna homeless population dies suddenly"

  28. Tässä aika hullu esimerkki joukkohypnoosista. Jutussa kerrotaan, miten 54-vuotias nainen valitteli väsymystä ja rintakipuja. Lisäksi hänen oli vaikea hengittää. Hänelle oltiin soittamassa ambulanssia, kun hän lakkasi hengittämästä ja kuoli siihen. Kuolinsyy: COVID-19.

    “We never thought it was COVID,” Salazar said. “We didn’t even realize she had it.”

    Näin ne ihmiset kuolee oireettomaan koronaan.

  29. DIED SUDDENLY: "The University of Massachusetts Amherst announced the death of Aidan Kaminska, a player on its men's lacrosse team, on Wednesday. He was 19.

    Kathy Reakes of the Suffolk Daily Voice reported Kaminska "died suddenly" on Monday at his family's home in Port Jefferson, New York. A cause of death was not released."

  30. DIED SUDDENLY: "Mayor Keith Summey is saddened to announce today that Raymond (Ray) H. Anderson, Jr, 69, Special Assistant to the Mayor, died unexpectedly on Sunday, September 25, 2022, while hiking in the mountains of North Carolina."

  31. DIED SUDDENLY: "Näyttelijä ja käsikirjoittaja Yakira Chambers on kuollut raportoi Deadline.

    Chambers, 40, menehtyi äkilliseen sairauskohtaukseen ostoskeskuksen ulkopuolella Newport Beachissa, jossa hän alkoi yhtäkkiä kärsimään hengitysvaikeuksista."

  32. DIED SUDDENLY: "Woman suddenly drops dead while working out at gym in shocking video"

  33. DIED SUDDENLY: "Dad-of-four died after suffering medical episode at the wheel"

  34. DIED SUDDENLY: "Lesley Land, a longtime publicist at U.K. public broadcaster Channel 4, has died. She was 41.

    Variety understands Land died unexpectedly at home last Friday."

  35. DIED SUDDENLY: "The sudden death of singer Jovit Baldivino has caught his fans and the entertainment industry as a whole by surprise, with many lamenting his tragic passing at the age of 29.

    Jovit's family, through the singer's former handler in Star Magic, Jerry Telan, confirmed in a statement that he was comatosed for five days after a CT scan showed a blood clot in his brain, a sign of an aneurysm."

  36. DIED SUDDENLY: "Ronnie Turner, the son of rock superstar Tina Turner died suddenly today at the age of 62. According to reports he was outside his home when he complained he couldn’t breathe."

  37. DIED SUDDENLY: "Arvostettu jalkapallotoimittaja Grant Wahl, 48, on kuollut Qatarissa perjantaina, kertoo The New York Times.

    Wahl raportoi vielä perjantain Hollanti–Argentiina-ottelusta, jonka viimeisillä minuuteilla hän sai sairauskohtauksen lehdistöaitiossa. Ensihoitohenkilökunta koetti elvyttää Wahlia paikan päällä noin 20 minuuttia, ennen kuin häntä lähdettiin kuljettamaan sairaalaan.

    Wahlin agentti Tim Scanlanin mukaan Wahl kuoli sairaalassa tai matkalla sinne."

    1. Grant Wahl alkuvuodesta 2021:

      "The coronavirus vaccines are incredible and not getting enough credit for the marvel that they are."

  38. DIED SUDDENLY: "Tutkimusprofessori Tuomas Pekkarinen kuoli äkilliseen sairauskohtaukseen Helsingissä työhuoneessaan 29. marraskuuta 2022. Hän oli 50-vuotias, syntynyt Espoossa 21. kesäkuuta 1972."

  39. DIED SUDDENLY: "Second World Cup journalist dies suddenly while covering tournament in Qatar"

  40. DIED SUDDENLY: "Sydney's A-list is rocked by tragedy as the model wife of millionaire investor dies unexpectedly at age 58 after a game of tennis in Port Douglas"

  41. DIED SUDDENLY: "Heartbreak as teenage cricketer dies after sudden cardiac arrest during practice"

  42. DIED SUDDENLY: "A man has died suddenly after falling ill in a vehicle travelling on the Antrim Road in Newtownabbey on Saturday evening."

  43. DIED SUDDENLY: "Former University of Central Florida student and football player Jake Hescock died Tuesday. The former tight end went into cardiac arrest while out on a jog in Boston, according to his family. He was 25."

  44. DIED SUDDENLY: "Mike Leach, the head football coach at Mississippi State University, has died, the school announced in a statement. He was 61.

    Leach died on Monday, Dec. 12, following his hospitalization over the weekend for health complications associated with a heart condition, according to the university. "

  45. DIED SUDDENLY: "Parkanon kaupunginjohtaja Jari Heiniluoma, 58, on kuollut. Hän menehtyi nopeasti edenneeseen sairauteen Tampereen yliopistollisessa sairaalassa."

  46. DIED SUDDENLY: "Jack Last, 27, from Stowmarket, was vaccinated on 30 March 2021 and a week later was admitted to hospital after experiencing headaches and sickness.

    A scan on 10 April revealed a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) and he died 10 days later.

    Senior coroner Nigel Parsley recorded a narrative conclusion at Suffolk Coroner's Court.

    He said: "Jack Last died of a blood clot to the brain, caused as a direct result of his body's reaction to the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination which he had received on March 30, 2021.""

  47. DIED SUDDENLY: "Tom Daley’s Olympic diving coach died from sudden adult death syndrome similar to that which nearly killed Danish footballer Christian Eriksen, an inquest heard. David Jenkins, 31, was found collapsed in a swimming pool in the Turkish resort city of Antalya on 9 October last year."

  48. DIED SUDDENLY: "Heartbreak as 15-year-old girl dies after suddenly falling ill after her birthday party"

  49. DIED SUDDENLY: "12-year-old boy collapses in school bus; dies of cardiac arrest"

  50. DIED SUDDENLY: "Aussie student, 25, mysteriously dies in Bali after dental procedure"

  51. DIED SUDDENLY: "60-Year-Old Woman Dies Of Heart Attack While Dancing At Wedding"

  52. DIED SUDDENLY: "Runner collapses before finish line at Langkawi Int'l Half Marathon, dies en route to hospital"

  53. DIED SUDDENLY: "Abakar Kazbekov, Ontario Hockey Leaguen London Knightsin lupaava nuori sentteri, kuoli lauantaina. Hän oli 18-vuotias.

    Kuolinsyytä ei kerrottu, vaikka Ontario Hockey League ja London Knights julkaisivat yhteisen lausunnon, jossa he ilmaisivat järkyttyneisyytensä ja surunsa uutisesta."

    1. AP:n mukaan kuoli pudottuaan ikkunasta.

  54. DIED SUDDENLY: "Parents of girl, 15, with allergies and asthma who collapsed at school and died suddenly pay tribute to 'sweet, intelligent and respectful' daughter"

    Jostain syystä otsikkoon piti laittaa sanat 'allergia' ja 'astma'. Kuinka usein allergiat ja astma aiheuttavat äkillisen kuoleman aiheuttavan sairauskohtauksen?

  55. DIED SUDDENLY: "A 28-year-old man died this Sunday while he was taking part in a football match at the Camp d’Esports de Cala Millor, on the Balearic island of Mallorca. The man, said to be a Uruguayan national, went to rest on the bench after playing for a while. His friends said he complained of not feeling well and then suddenly fainted."

  56. DIED SUDDENLY: "A Georgia Court of Appeals judge has died at age 64.

    Judge Clyde Reese died on Saturday, the court announced, saying he died unexpectedly after a short hospital stay. No cause of death was given."

  57. DIED SUDDENLY: "Tributes have been paid to the Wexford County Council executive engineer Michael Jones who died on Sunday after becoming suddenly and unexpectedly ill a few days earlier.

    Michael of Ballykilliane, Drinagh, who was in his 50s was a member of the Special Projects Team in the local authority and was involved in delivering major capital developments including Min Ryan Park, Enniscorthy Technology Park, Gorey District Park and Carrigfoyle walking trails."

  58. DIED SUDDENLY: "A 28-year-old resident of Matunga Labour Camp, who was playing Sunday cricket at the Indian Gymkhana ground in Matunga, died suddenly. While at the ground, Ganesh Chandrakant Pawaskar started feeling a pain in his chest and called his wife.

    Before she could reach the field, he fell unconscious and his friends rushed him to Sion hospital where he was declared dead. The post-mortem report cited coronary artery insufficiency (natural) as the cause of death."

  59. DIED SUDDENLY: "Tom Browning -- who played 12 seasons in the MLB -- died unexpectedly on Monday. He was 62 years old.

    The Boone County Sheriff's Office in Kentucky says it received a call regarding a person not breathing in their home around 1 PM ... and upon arrival, officers found Browning unresponsive on the couch.

    EMTs and responders attempted lifesaving measures for roughly 10 minutes before Browning was pronounced dead. Foul play is not suspected."

  60. DIED SUDDENLY: "Culture Club frontman and I'm A Celeb star Boy George has paid tribute to The Specials' Terry Hall, who has died aged 63. The Specials announced via their social media that Hall had endured a brief illness before his passing."

  61. DIED SUDDENLY: "Heart-breaking tributes have been paid to a Yorkshire grandad and 'great bloke' following his sudden death.

    A 54-year-old man was found dead in a property in Town Gate, Wyke, Bradford around 11.09pm on December 18. West Yorkshire Police officers were called to the scene following concerns for his welfare.

    The man's death is currently being treated as unexplained. He has been named locally as Bob Cowens."

  62. DIED SUDDENLY: "William T. “Tom” Muise, Jr., Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Fire Warden for Fire District 14, died suddenly at his home on Dec. 10. He was 58."

  63. DIED SUDDENLY: "Intialaismies on kuollut kesken Avatar: The Way of Waterin esityksen. Lakshmireddy Srinu -niminen mies sai sydänkohtauksen elokuvateatterissa.

    Tohtori Sanjeev Gera kertoi Hindustan Times -lehden haastattelussa uskovansa Avatarin jatko-osan odotuksen ja siitä johtaneen innostuksen saattaneen käydä miehen sydämen päälle.

    Sydämen verisuonet saattanet puhjeta stressin ja kohonneen verenpaineen takia, joka johtaa yllättävään sydänkohtaukseen.

    Sydänlääkäri Pradeep Kumar on samaa mieltä tohtori Geran kanssa. Innostus saattaa johtaa sydänkohtaukseen.

    – Ei pelkkä elokuva kuitenkaan tapa, tohtori Kumar muistuttaa."

  64. DIED SUDDENLY: "Tributes have been paid to BBC Radio Cumbria presenter Simon Yaxley who has died suddenly.

    The 53-year-old was found at his home in Carlisle on Wednesday afternoon.

    He had been a presenter and producer for the BBC for the last five years and also worked for commercial radio in the county."

  65. DIED SUDDENLY: "A leisure centre has temporarily closed after a long-serving lifeguard collapsed and died whilst on duty."

  66. DIED SUDDENLY: "'I gave her a shake but she was blue' - Devastated mum finds daughter dead in bathroom"

  67. DIED SUDDENLY: "Stephan Bonnar, mixed martial arts (MMA) legend and UFC Hall of Famer, died on Thursday while at work. While the official cause of death is pending, its believed that Bonnar died due to heart complications."

  68. DIED SUDDENLY: "Näitä on nyt ollut viime aikoina enemmänkin😭 sydän särkyy. Äsken soitti asiakas ja perui varauksen huomisen retkelle koska perheen isä ei ollut herännyt enää tänään, isä mennyt nukkumaan ok ja aamulla oli kuollut. Hirveä joulu ja loma perheelle. Ei tässä mitään sanoja enää ole."

  69. DIED SUDDENLY: "Egyptian man suffers heart attack and dies after celebrating Argentina's World Cup win"

  70. DIED SUDDENLY: "Employees at ABC News are mourning the death of the executive producer of "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" after he passed unexpectedly late last week, The Hill reports.

    Dax Tejera, who had been executive producer for "This Week" since last December, reportedly died Friday night due to a heart attack at the age of 37. His death was first announced by ABC News' Rachel Scott during the Saturday episode of "World News Tonight.""

  71. DIED SUDDENLY: "Health Canada staffer dies suddenly. High level director who was instrumental in novel COVID-19 injection roll out may have succumbed to the recent phenomenon of sudden adult death."

  72. DIED SUDDENLY: "According to reports from Mexico, a man died suddenly while walking to his car in a supermarket car park in the Las Puentes neighbourhood of San Nicolas de los Garza on Wednesday, December 28."

  73. DIED SUDDENLY: "Heartbreak as another young ice hockey player dies suddenly after suffering stroke complications"

  74. DIED SUDDENLY: "Woman's anguish as husband, 40, collapses and dies - now she has to leave Hull"

  75. DIED SUDDENLY: "A 17-year-old girl was pronounced dead at a treatment center for teens on Tuesday afternoon — the second case at a Utah teen treatment facility this year.

    Around 5 p.m. on Tuesday, authorities received a call about a teen who had collapsed at Diamond Ranch Academy in Hurricane, Utah, the Hurricane City Police Department said in a statement, according to Fox 13 Salt Lake City."

  76. DIED SUDDENLY: "A 21-year Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department veteran died unexpectedly while off duty six days before Christmas. Now, the community can help his family by ordering donuts in his honor. Dean Lauber, 52, suffered a non-work related medical emergency while at home on Dec. 19. He was taken to the hospital where he died, according to a CMPD news release."

  77. DIED SUDDENLY: "Vartijoiden kiinni ottama nainen kuoli elvytyksestä huolimatta Isossa Omenassa – Silmin­näkijä: ”Rauhallinen tilanne eskaloitui aivan yhtäkkiä”"

  78. DIED SUDDENLY: "Lahjakas suomalaiskokki Antti Lukkari on kuollut vain 29-vuotiaana. Hänen kollegansa mukaan Lukkari menehtyi kesken lomamatkan."

  79. Mistähän on haettu inspiraatio teemaan t-paidassa?

    Kognitiivisessa dissonanssissa toljailevan mallikansalaisen ykkösvetimien täydennys, ensi kesän festareiden the juttu?

  80. Tässä nyt ei ole kuoltu, mutta Celine Dionilla yhtäkkiä todettiin tällainen harvinainen neurologinen ongelma:

    Kun kirjoittaa googleen että Celine Dion covid vaccine, niin tulee joka tuutista että "fact check: her condition wasn't caused by the jab".

  81. Mitä tällaisten uutisten julkaiseminen kertoo meidän ajasta?

    "Säästä läheisiäsi ja tee ainakin nämä asiat ennen kuolemaasi"

  82. "Elokuvaohjaaja Seppo Huunonen on kuollut 83-vuotiaana. Huunonen menehtyi lauantai-iltana Helsingissä.

    Huunonen oli lauantaina vieraana elokuvateatteri Orionissa, jossa esitettiin hänen tunnettu Lampaansyöjät-elokuvansa. Ohjaaja Anssi Mänttäri oli haastattelemassa Huunosta paikan päällä, kun tämä yllättäen tuupertui.

    – Lopussa oli yleisön kysymyksiä. Istuimme baarijakkaroilla, joissa oli selkäkoroke. Seppo kaatui siihen. Laskimme Sepon lattialle, ja yksi paikalla olleista miehistä aloitti välittömästi elvytyksen. Ambulanssi oli nopeasti paikalla.

    – Elvytys jatkui, ja koin parhaaksi poistua paikalta. Paikalla oli ilmeisesti myös perhettä, Mänttäri kertoi.

    Myöhemmin Mänttäri sai tiedon, että Huunonen oli menehtynyt elokuvateatterissa.

    Tilanne tapahtui täysin yllättäen."

  83. "Joe Rogan & Dave Smith on the Mysterious Rise in All-Cause Mortality

    “How are you discounting this 40% increase in all-cause mortality?…You’re telling me the starting point has to be we rule out this brand new medical intervention?”"


  84. Vastasyntyneiden elinajanodote laski jyrkimmin yli 50 vuoteen

    Ei liity mihinkään mitenkään.

  85. "I just verified this Expose story by looking directly at Table 2 of the UK ONS data. They got it right.
    Fully vaccinated young people age 18-39 all-cause mortality is nearly 4X higher than fully unvaccinated of the same age.
    This is official UK data."


    Eli virallinen data Britanniassa näyttää, että rokotettujen kuolleisuus on moninkertaista rokottamattomiin nähden ikähaarukassa 18-39.

    Varmaan ihan kohta Ylen uutisissa?

    1. Samaan aikaan Ylellä:

      "Tuore väitöstutkimus: Koronarokote tuo kestävän suojan vakavaa COVID-19-tautia vastaan"

      Melko irvokasta.

  86. Why Are Death and Disability Rising Among Young Americans?

    Why indeed.

  87. Rasmussen reports polling released today shows that 24% say that they know somone who died from the COVID-19 vaccine.
    "Nearly a quarter of Americans believe someone they know died from COVID-19 vaccine side effects, and even more say they might be willing to become plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit against vaccine makers."

  88. "Kanadalainen onkologi kertoo -21 jälkeen tuntemattoman syyn olevan ensimmäistä kertaa yleisimmän kuolinsyyn. Ja tuntematonta ei haluttu tutkia koska se lisäisi rokote-epäröintiä."


  89. "'Excess mortality and Covid vaccination: is there a correlation?'
    "A comprehensive comparative research analysis has found that Covid vaccines are directly associated with the disturbing rise in the mortality rate among countries of the Southern Hemisphere.
    Denis Rancourt is a former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa. Maurine Baudin has a PhD in microbiology from the Université Paris Sud (Paris XI). Joseph Hickey is a data research scientist with a PhD in Physics. Jérémie Mercier is a chemist and health educator with a PhD in environmental research. Together these researchers have recently produced an empirical research paper entitled Covid vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere.

    17 countries were studied by these researchers: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, and Uruguay). Together these countries comprise 9.10 per cent of worldwide population and 10.3 per cent of worldwide Covid vaccinations (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per persons, all ages) through virtually every vaccine type and manufacturer.

    According to these researchers, ‘All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable date for detecting and epidemiologically characterising events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge or collapse in deaths from any cause.’ In these 17 countries, they found no evidence of any beneficial effect of Covid vaccination on all-cause mortality, nor any proportional reduction in the mortality rate. On the contrary, the opposite is true.

    In that research paper, the authors also showed that every country with sufficient mortality data (Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, and Uruguay) invariably exhibited an unprecedented and relatively sharp peak or surge in all-ages deaths during or after January-February 2022, which was synchronous with or immediately preceded by a rapid rollout of a Covid vaccine booster, dose 3 or 4, depending on the country.

    Regarding the evidence provided in support of causality and toxicity, the authors of this research paper include examples where no detectable excess mortality occurred until the vaccines were rolled out, thus concluding that ‘it is well-established that Covid vaccine injections have caused and are likely to cause the deaths of individuals"

    Augusto Zimmermann is professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, in Perth, Western Australia. He is a former Associate Dean of Law (Research) at Murdoch University."

    Tutkimus löytyy täältä:

    "Eliitin" vastareaktio: Ei ole totta!

    "Report falsely claims Covid vaccines killed 17 million worldwide"

  90. Filippiinien parlamentin puhemies ilmoittaa, että he ryhtyvät tutkimaan massiivista ylikuolleisuutta:

    "Phillipines launches investigation into EXCESS DEATHS in the country.

    We are shocked to find out that there were 262,000 excess deaths on 2021 alone.

    By comparison there were only 66,000+ covid deaths from 2020 to Nov 2023

    Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines Dan Fernandez:
    The copy of the said resolution, this is about a 260,000 excess deaths that we experienced in this country.

    We'll be showing a graph coming from the Philippine Statistics Authority. In DOH (Department of Health) they also have copies that have been submitted. We are shocked to find out that there were 262,000 excess deaths on 2021 alone.

    After that, 2022, still had 67,000 excess deaths
    These are all unexplained deaths (non-covid)


  91. Synkeä ennuste: Viikoittainen kuolleiden määrä Suomessa nousemassa ennätykseen

  92. "30-year-old singer Pedro Henrique just collapsed and died on stage.

    The new normal is not normal."


    "Horrifying moment Brazilian gospel singer Pedro Henrique, 30, collapses and dies during performance, leaving behind a wife and newborn daughter"

    "Henrique's record label, Todah Music, told Radio 93 that the singer had suffered a massive heart attack. "

  93. Eurostatin virallisten tilastojen mukaan marraskuussa Suomessa oli 40,5%:n ylikuolleisuus. Korkein luku Euroopassa.

    "In November 2023, excess mortality continued to vary across the EU. Romania, Malta, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovakia recorded no excess deaths. The highest excess deaths rates were observed in Finland (40.5 %), Austria (20.2 %), the Netherlands (18.7 %) and Sweden (16.5 %)."

    Tämä on melko todennäköisesti viime syksyn propagandakampanjan satoa. Aika moni vanhus saatiin peloteltua piikkijonoon. Eläkeyhtiöt kiittää.

    Injektiopiikin juttu aiheesta:

  94. "Facebook ei hyväksy #diedsuddenly postauksia. 🤔"


    Suomennos: Näitä tapauksia on nyt niin paljon, että meidän on pakko turvautua sensuuriin.

  95. "Joe Rogan summaa hyvin koronahuijauksen 40 miljoonalle katsojalle.

    "Etkö tosiaan TÄHÄN MENNESSÄ TIEDÄ, että ne valehtelevat?"

    Koska ns. kriittinen massa tajuaa, että heitä ollaan kusetettu rankemman kaavan mukaan?"


  96. Antinniemi: Patologit löytävät outoja verihyytymiä mRNA-injektioista, tieto ja tutkimus tapahtuu valtasuonen ulkopuolella

  97. Ylen tv-kuuluttaja Maria Jungner on kuollut

    "– Rakkaamme Maria Jungner menehtyi tänä viikonloppuna äkillisesti. Olemme syvästi järkyttyneitä ja pyydämme kunnioittamaan omaisten surua. Emme tiedota asiasta enempää, kertoo Jungnerin perheenjäsen."

    Jos tämä äkillinen kuolema olisi ollut onnettomuus, se olisi varmasti kerrottu.

    1. "Jungner toteaa, että kaikilla perheestä on rokotukset, mutta silti vaikea tauti iski hyvin poikkeuksellisesti nuoreen ja terveeseen tyttäreen.

      – Saimme koko perhe kovan opetuksen siitä, että korona ei todellakaan ole mikään pieni kausiflunssa, se ei todellakaan ole mitenkään ohi oleva pandemia, ja ilman rokotuksia tämä tarina olisi lääkäreiden mukaan saattanut päättyä todella huonosti, Jungner tiivistää."

  98. Millwallin maalivahti Matija Sarkic kuoli 26-vuotiaana

    Ei vielä näy loppua näille huippukuntoisten nuorten yllättäville kuolemille.

  99. "BREAKING NEWS: Most CENSORED paper on EARTH - The Lancet-Censored "SUDDEN DEATH" COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Paper has been peer reviewed an published!!

    It has been two years now, with unprecedented censorship from Lancet and another Elsevier Journal which pulled this paper at the last minute!!

    This has never been seen in scientific publishing before!

    325 AUTOPSIES of recently COVID-19 Vaccinated people who "DIED SUDDENLY" (largest autopsy series in the world)

    "mean time from vaccination to DEATH was 14.3 days"

    "73.9% of deaths were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 Vaccination."

    Yes, COVID-19 Vaccines result in SUDDEN DEATHS early after vaccination (they also do it over the long term too)

    Thanks to
    for the countless hours of hard work it took to get this published. Congratulations to all my co-authors!

    This is a monumental achievement in the face of historically unprecedented scientific censorship.

    Yes, COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause SUDDEN DEATH and most are within the first 2 weeks - that's why they were labeled UNVACCINATED.

    This paper proves WHY THEY DID IT.
    They hid the deaths.
    But we got them!!
    Finally!! 🙏"

